California Technological Care and Mina De Oro Center for Sustainable Community Economic Development, Inc. Join Forces to Drive Rural Economic Development in the Philippines Through Technology

[Milpitas, California, November 14, 2023] — California Technological Care (CTC) and Mina De Oro Center for Sustainable Community Economic Development, Inc. have officially entered into a strategic collaboration to accelerate rural economic development in the Philippines. This partnership aims to leverage the power of Business Intelligence (BI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to empower communities at the grassroots level.

Mina De Oro is dedicated to spearheading rapid economic progress in rural areas of the Philippines, employing a bottom-up approach that transcends social and economic backgrounds. By harnessing the potential of BI and AI, Mina De Oro seeks to implement innovative solutions that address the unique challenges faced by these communities.

CTC, a non-profit organization based in California, brings its expertise in technology and data-driven solutions to support Mina De Oro in realizing its vision. The collaboration will focus on research and development, training and capacity building, and knowledge sharing to implement BI and AI solutions tailored to the specific needs of rural communities.

"We are excited to collaborate with Mina De Oro in their mission to bring about positive change in rural communities. By combining our technical expertise with their grassroots approach, we believe we can make a significant impact on economic development in the Philippines," said Jun Sonio, Program Director of California Technological Care.

Mina De Oro's commitment to community empowerment aligns seamlessly with CTC's dedication to supporting initiatives that drive sustainable development through technology. The collaboration is expected to facilitate the implementation of innovative projects that enhance the economic landscape of rural areas.

"We are thrilled to partner with California Technological Care to harness the potential of BI and AI for the betterment of our communities. This collaboration marks a significant step towards inclusive and sustainable development, bringing technology to the heart of our efforts," stated Tito Porras, Chairman of Mina De Oro Center for Sustainable Community Economic Development, Inc.

“The collaboration between CTC and Mina De Oro signifies a shared commitment to leveraging technology as a catalyst for positive change. Both organizations are eager to combine their strengths, working towards the common goal of fostering economic development, empowering communities, and creating lasting impact in the Philippines

Event Details

  • November 14,2023
  • Milpitas, California, USA

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